No, caballeras y caballeros, no se alarmen, mi cerebro es bastante más inteligente que yo.

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019

Promesas y palabras

Promesas y palabras:

            Siento mucho haber tardado tanto tiempo en darme cuenta de quién eres, de saber ver a través de ti, de apreciar cada cosa que haces, cada pequeño gesto. Creo que este amor me ha hecho más sabio y he comprendido que no tiene sentido querer cambiar a las personas, o querer que siempre estén ahí para ti. Cuando te miro no comprendo cómo el mundo no se enamora de ti al instante, y siento que a tu lado he crecido y me he hecho fuerte. Tengo mucho que agradecerte y, por supuesto, me faltan las palabras. Eres inteligente, graciosa, crítica y analítica y, aunque sea irrelevante para alguien como tú, hermosa. A veces pienso en esas personas que dicen aquello de “no eres como las otras chicas”, no entiendo qué problema hay con las otras chicas. Todo el mundo es único y tal vez lo que tratamos de decir es: “pero tú eres improbable”. Yo no pienso fallarte, estaré ahí para ti. No quisiera extenderme mucho con esto, pero, si pudieras sujetarme con firmeza ese cable…
–Por favor, déjame ir. No le diré nada a nadie. Ni siquiera sé tu nombre… Déjame ir… por favor…

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019


Now you can read it, weird dreams, not the kind of stuff I tend to write but…


            She got up from the ground, it was cold under her hands, lustrous.
            The corridor wasn’t exactly lit, at least she couldn’t detect any source of light.
Countless doors flanked it.
Onwards and backwards, its ends seemed to multiply into the infinite. It was difficult to say as some white color guzzled everything just a couple of steps ahead of her. It wasn’t fog, it was just whiteness. It could have been some sort of blackness that, lacking any shade, could not be dark enough or a toneless opacity, yet it was a white background like an empty canvas. Perhaps it wasn’t fear, but she felt a deep concern.
That character vanished in a TV-like white noise.
It’s no use to me.
And that white noise took over.
—He wrote a book, in the first page he tells us how the general marches toward the fortress, in the other one he describes his conquest in detail, plus, it has drawings. You can buy it for only twenty euro.
White noise. I feel grateful, I guess.
—It always happened in situations as small as myself, when they raped me, I always thought I needed those people because, deep in my heart, I felt they were the only people in my life. Please, stop touching me…
White noise. Another nightmare? It cannot be worse.
—Do you want to be happy? Udov is for you! You will be happy with only one dosage (until its effects expire). Nothing is more attractive than happiness. Nude girls on the camera two, thanks!
White noise. At least this is only disconcerting.
—XX is equal to woman and XY is equal to man, now a bunch of biologists are not going to come here only to mess everything up.
White Noise. Actually, I cannot possibly know whether this is getting any better.
He or she is EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED, you should have desired… Life will spank your ass. A sexy yet painful spank. Do you like ropes, handcuffs? He shares your very tastes, you will never connect like that with anybody else, unfortunately your ideal guy has none of the relevant attributes, you forgot to ask for them and you must accept it: nobody changed another person ever. It would be terrible thinking that someone can save you from yourself, nobody deserves that weight on their shoulders. Just join whatever you desire and whatever you need together like two hands giving thanks.
Do you want to know the secret?
You are the heroine, nobody will save you, that’s a tale crowded by dark consequences, a metaphor exploiting your fear of loneliness so that you will share it with a miserable person. You are your charming prince, your warrior, go out there and fight with all your might. The word insight is the clue. Accept who you are, you won’t be able to accept the others otherwise and nobody won a war against themselves. Is it bravery? Is there even another option?
Those scars…
You’re a whisper in the breeze, a roar flying swiftly with the wind.
I am a dreamweaver but in these times of crystal dwellers, nobody remembers my power. I know I shouldn’t wake up, not like this, not now.
You know how it’s done, you’ve done it plenty of times, you only need to say the magic words.
The smell of mysteries slides on your skin and that honey covering every interrogation mark gets spilled over dogma, the world’s greenness wraps the lawn hidden in the curve of your lips, stemming from underneath your feet. Autumn leaves reveal the dance of the wind and you’re flowing through this warm feeling of two bodies that love each other in between a hug, writing tenderness on their souls as eternity does on the rain.
This verse weaves a twilight burning fire smell and that smile tastes like the best chocolate.
Because, if you think about it, the whole truth fits in one single kiss.
You can do it now.
Wake up.

 Creative Commons Licence
Day-Dreamweaver by Marta Roussel Perla is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at