No, caballeras y caballeros, no se alarmen, mi cerebro es bastante más inteligente que yo.

domingo, 31 de marzo de 2019

In the Name of God

Rock me like the Devil
Whip your tail and turn me on
Turn me to eleven
Leave me burning when you’re gone

In the Name of God:

It was raining and the traveller needed some rest.
That inn didn’t look particularly crowded, but there were many men inside and many eyes on her, and, had it not been for that sword she carried, she would’ve liked to disappear, shrink and pass as unnoticed as she could.
Unfortunately one of the regulars who looked like a good man sat by her side while this traveller ate cheese and drank wine. He didn’t mention she was a woman, nor pointed the fact that she was wandering this world by her own. He was just telling her a story, again, he looked like a good man.
It was claimed that a curse had spread through these lands, a curse whereby children were born without a soul.
–Yeah, everything is the hag’s fault. She brought those children to this world, they cannot even smile nor talk either, they look like dea…
–Wait –the drifter, Candelaria was her name, interrupted him–, are you saying this witch was also those children midwife? –she enquired, not believing it.
–Well –the man started, visibly uncomfortable–, we didn’t know she was a witch back then… We could’ve had imagined it, though! That old hag, she never had a husband… that’s not a good sign.
Have you realised yet? God created the man in his own image –Lilim’s voice inside her head slid like honey, its incontrollable yearning for a little fun twisted an obscene moaning, savouring her irreverent desire in need of something to lick–. What are you going to do with those children, my life? Do you care for them? –she found an answer with great determination in it–. I like it, every one of your heartbeats is exquisite… –she said on the verge of drowning in an ocean of pleasure, unable to restrain her thirst.
–What are you people doing with those children –the traveller asked, concerned, while striving to ignore Lilim’s words and power over everything laying under her skin.
–It seems to be demons doing, we called an Inquisitor, a certain Alonso García, with the mayor leave, of course, as it should be.
–This Inquisitor, when does he arrive? –Candelaria interrogated, perhaps too tense, too unsettled.
–A bunch of questions for an outsider you got there –the good man answered, distrusting her now, his kindness had gone.
Take care, Candela, we don’t want your delicious tongue to get chopped off, in case that sword of yours can’t protects it, I will be your body’s secrets safeguard, however, you know I would rather say inside –Lilim burst in a liquid laughter. Her unquenchable craving ensnared the traveller thoughts, spilling out and running over each letter pronounced in her mind, the human body started to turn on as Candelaria struggled not to take her hands down to her belly and then keep going, not there, not in public, she praised to Lilim–. You’re right… It’s dangerous… –the fire could only be extinguished with a lot of effort–. Ask for the elderly woman, my love. We’ll see if she have met a demon or it is only a case of mere humanity.

That path could be easily followed and the forest slightly protected her from the rain.
–You said “a case of mere humanity” before –Candelaria ventured, feeling somehow confused.
Lilim’s voice appeared again in her mind, like a hungry caress, with no desire to dominate any outburst:
There’s nothing more humane than pointing at whom is different, love.
–Maybe finishing them before even pointing at them –her lover betted.
The traveller arrived to a humble hut in a clearing.
It was so small that the woods would have engulf it if it hadn’t been for a fence around it, a brook and, possibly, a goat looking at her with herbivore curiosity.
Candelaria knocked the hut’s door four times.
–Oh, my! –the old lady exclaimed after opening–. You’re drenched, come on in! –she commanded.
–Thank you very much –said the drifter timidly.
–Sit by the fire. I hope you do like soup, I have no teeth and it’s the only thing I cook –she stated drily.
It wasn’t a big room: a hearth, a cauldron, herbs and spices, cold meat, a rabbit hanging from a beam and a goat rug in a corner.
Above the fire, on a ledge, there were books. Some of them written in Latin or, at least, that was what the traveller though, it was hard for her to recognise the language.
–A thousand thanks, mistress.
–My name is Nieves, from the town of Frias.
The old lady stopped at once, she looked alarmed.
–You wear a sword in that belt of yours –she pointed out.
–I resolved to come back from hell in order to be free. Not a slave of any man, nor a serf to any god –she unlaced her sheathe and leaned the sword aside the door–. I heard you’re the town’s midwife.
–You also have heard that they are displeased about those children. And that they blame me for it, in spite of most of the fact that the children are perfectly healthy. And those whom they that much speak about, they’re healthy as well, some of them will be even able to talk.
–Townsfolk say those sons and daughters don’t smile, that they look as if they were dead.
–Nonsense! They communicate with animals, and regarding humans they only need some practice.
–You’ve just suggested some of them wouldn’t be able to speak.
–I’ve said it crystal clear –she sharply said–. That doesn’t make them worse than anybody else.
–Those people asked for the Inquisition’s aid, soon a Holy Office delegate will be here to investigate this matter.
–Do you know what that means? –the old lady questioned.
–You will be burn at the stake for witchcraft though there’s no magic in this house and they’ll kill those children under any excuse of demonic possession.
–I’ve seen similar offspring growing –the elderly woman said while giving the traveller a bowl of soup and taking another one herself–. Some of them seem to be like children forever, and, at the same time, great sages. Some cannot talk and yet they’re able to read. Most of them avoid people and any human contact, or perhaps they want it but they don’t understand it. People don’t understand them either. But whenever they love someone they just don’t forget about that bond. And they never forget their word. Yes, they are eccentric and sometimes you need to explain some things in detail and, probably, a few times, yet they are no evil, let alone the devil’s sons and daughters. Although, what could men know about this… –she sipped her soup–. There are too many things beyond what eyes can see –the lady commented, a bit surly–. Knowledge takes always the form of an interrogation. Either way, your friend is very quiet. As far as I know about them, that’s uncommon.
Granny, it’s only because I’m in need of enjoying some minutes alone with my lover and, frankly, I’m starting getting nervous –a naughty and perhaps threatening giggle was heard, her tongue smacking her lips as she spoke through Candela’s body, with a different voice, lower and growler–. Do not worry, we feel grateful for your hospitality, we will head to the forest –she managed to say, barley capable of dominate herself, putting off her bodice.
The elderly gave thanks for that bodice wasn’t the last clothe the traveller wore, but the first.
–I’ll wait outside, the sun came back and I have some chores to deal with –Nieves decided–. I would like to say that goat rug is comfortable –she closed the door behind her.
–Hold my hands, my love, take my body –the pilgrim asked, being pure fire ablaze under her skin. Lilim was about to burn her lover’s garments, Candelaria hardly could take off her shoes, put off those breeches and get rid of that jerkin, she sweated, she longed. She wished to be her fingertips sliding on that body for what she defied every power, she desired to kiss that mind with which she abandoned the hell itself. Her fingers wandered through every corner of her desperate and wet body.
Lilim emerged over her with those horns, that tail, and her back wounded where her wings should have been, now lost for her lover. Lilim was kissing her lips, her lit up cheeks, her neck, her navel, kissing her between her legs. Minutes expanded when their tongues sought one another in kisses. Her movements and Candelaria’s merged into one unleashed rippling rhythm, harmonizing every thrust and every touch in one caress, being every vibration in the other’s body, trembling in crescendo, the one keeping in step with the other’s faltering breathing, catching their desire in a hasty kiss before it fled among sighs, being delighted in an orgasm echo at the lips’ edge.
The hearth’s fire crackled and intensified as they cried out of pleasure, they were tightened bodies in a horror vacui of sheer satisfied desire that left them burning nonetheless.
Didn’t you know? You should not take the Lord’s name in vain –she managed to say panting a smile.
–Why not? Priests do it all the time –Lilim guffawed.
They leaned back, one beside the other, trying to look for a comfortable position while hugging each other.
Sex is to the skin what love is to the heart –she said as she kissed the human.
–Lilim, you’re the sweetest outcast from all hell.
I know… –she claimed while laughing, not hiding her reborn thirst breaking free again.
Nieves was outside, sat by the stream, indulging in that golden evening after the rain and reflecting on how stupid it was that someone, having this person heard what she did that twilight, would have set fire to the hut with its occupants inside.
“The soup is good” she thought, staring at the empty bowl resting on a stone.
Candelaria got out with her own bowl in her hands, a red face and her hair in a mess. She was smiling.
–The soup is very tasty, thank you very much –the traveller said, feeling a bit of embarrassment.
Nieves let out a loud laugh.

There were only four children: Ana, four years old, the little philosopher: Federico, he was three and couldn’t speak but Ana was secretly teaching him how to read; Manuel, nothing but a new-born that never smiled and Mercedes, who was two years old and seemed to be permanently lost in her own world.
Their mothers were with them. Ana and Manuel mother looked troubled by almost every possible consequence she could think of, she tried to hide her tears. In Federico and in Mercedes mothers’ faces only rejection could be read.
They were taken to Alonso García, delegate of the Holy Office.
All the village gathered to know what would happen with the doomed children. The mayor was present as well.
There was a beaten up dog which didn’t separate from Federico, his mother stared at that animal with the same disgust she showed to her son.
Candelaria rushed to the church gates, where she was told she would find the Inquisitor. Nieves went after her, greeting the children.
–Are you the deceitful witch who created these monstrosities? –the Inquisitor probed.
The surrounding townsfolk started murmuring.
–I’m a midwife and nothing else until God speaks a word.
–And you? –he asked to the foreigner.
–Just a traveller.
The surrounding townsfolk kept on murmuring.
–What about that blade? –he said pointing at that sword she wore.
–I’m of noble birth and lineage –she unwillingly clarified, and every chit-chat turned into silence.
–You don’t look as such –words could be spat too.
–Hidalga they call me those who ignore my name: Candelaria de León. I travel and write about my encounters on the roads, since nothing can be obtain from my household lands. And I have papers which corroborate my words –she handed them to the Inquisitor, he didn’t look impressed by their authenticity–. Either way, my blade proved itself to be a great ally before adversity.
–And have you something to say in this matter?
–This woman, Nieves, had been helping these townspeople for years to give birth. These four descendants are different from the rest indeed, they are only four out of a hundred nevertheless, there’s no reason to think she has anything to do with it. There’s no gain in it for her yet these infants are as healthy as any other.
–They don’t respond whenever they’re called and can’t smile.
–Nobody should summarize the complexity of a human life in a prejudice –she replied –. Nor condemn this life because of it.
–That doesn’t prove these children not being a fault for our sins.
–Sir –the high-pitched voice of Ana called him–, I know how to read and I’m teaching Federico each letter in the alphabet. We don’t like the company of those who doesn’t care about understanding us, given that they laugh at us and beat us, however we do no harm to men nor beasts and follow the Lord’s tenets, how could that be wrong?
–Such intelligence in a woman, no matter her age and height, can only be the Evil’s doing.
The children’s mothers got scared due to different reasons. Also the townsfolk were freighted thinking that Satan had made his way to their small village.
Ana looked at them with curiosity.
The Inquisitor turned to Nieves.
–You are a witch and you’ll be judged for it –the man stated, placing a candle on the floor–. This is a quick and simple judgment method for I have a lot of souls to try today: in case the candle gets extinguished, you’ll be purified by the fire, I mean, another fire, a bigger one if possible –Alonso García called the parish priest who, with a shacking hand due to his long age, tried to guard the lit candle he carried against the wind.
Nieves thought she was going to die. The men had grabbed her so that she couldn’t escape.
Lilim’s laughter twinkled in Candelaria’s mind.
Flames flow through your skin made immortal, love –she commented with an excitement that overflowed from her contained desire–. Do you think we can keep that candle lit against wind and fear?
–Should God didn’t allow you to judge these children –Candelaria addressed the Inquisitor–, if He clearly prevented that from happening, would you leave this town?
–And how could God prevent such a thing, exactly?

Time went on idly, perhaps it had completely stopped in order to watch the demon who dwelled inside that traveller’s mind.
Lilim leaned out from behind Candelaria’s body, invisible on the human side of reality.
That’s so adorable… –she started feeling horny again, perhaps because the situation was funny to her, laughing dark and mischievously–, an angelical virtue ready to kill some tiny humans. So small that our winged hero must make use of a full-grown adult to undertake such a deed and not get his hands dirty of mortal blood –she enjoyed every word as if they were secrets crushing against a body surrendering to pleasure.
You haven’t taste the forbidden fruit: knowledge is a question, not an answer, and that cowardice you display is not an insult, only a consequence –she said while she laugh and pretended an angelical innocence somehow blended with a free lechery engraved into stone–. Yet what could we wait from whom serve that psychopath creator of the world? Your devotion for control and order makes you afraid, angel.
I am Lilim, daughter of Lilith –she declared, jaded– and you are nothing –the light emitted by the angel seemed to wane, his wings were more visible now, the same wings Lilim renounced to. She didn’t needed them.
The angel flew over her with intent to attack her.
The demon considered quite healthy to burn those feathers with the power of hellfire, that creature was getting on her nerves.
The angel fell and Lilim got down over him on all four, with her devil tail in movement, caressing that subdued angel lips, his neck, his chest as he tried unsuccessfully to break free.
Such a pity –she uttered, sad and hot over him.
Then she put her fingers together as if they were a sword’s blade and punctured the angel’s thorax tearing off his heart as she chortled, just to destroy it right afterwards under the pressure of her fist.
Oh, human, if you need a god in order to be good, you must go to the hell he created for you…

In the humans world Alonso García started to cry to the presents’ surprise. The candle was still lit despite the wind and he looked exhausted.
He fell on his knees, it was difficult for him to breathe. Candelaria seized him on time before he hit the ground.
The little Federico began to strike his head, there were too many people and he couldn’t think: he needed to focus on a point, on each strike, in order to sieve external stimuli from his own thoughts. The dog calmed him down and he hugged it.
That candle was still lit in front of everyone.
Lilim wanted to add a certain dramatic effect and she illuminated the church cross for some seconds with a dazzling light.
The whole townsfolk prostrated themselves in reverence. The demon couldn’t stop laughing inside her dear partner’s mind.
The inquisitor looked sideways at the church, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
And so? the pilgrim inquired. The candle is shining, the cross showed the very light of Heavens and your mercy was not allowed to proceed with the judgement.
The man stared at the traveller in bewilderment.
She let politely some second pass but the traveller didn’t get an answer.
Somebody give him nourishment and a bed! she shouted. Some terrified men approached and, pale as corpses, took the Inquisitor into a house.
The mother of Ana and Manuel, burst into relieved tears as she told Mercedes and Federico to come visit whenever they wanted. She looked at the traveller with profound gratitude and the latter smiled before coming back to her own business.
You are the mayor, isn’t that so? Candela probed a man among the crowd. We have to talk.

The next evening Candelaria stared at the stream beside Nieves hut, where she stayed overnight, having thanked the midwife a thousand times her hospitality and dedication.
Thanks for helping me, Lil. I don’t think I could’ve convinced that man about anything and, haven’t you been there, those boys and girls and Nieves would be dead by now.
No idea should be above human life.
Then the notion of sin is God’s insanity.
It isn’t a bad plan: god creates the sinner, he punishes him for his sins and, subsequently, that lord promises him salvation in exchange for eternal adoration.
After biting the apple you cannot believe that it is still possible to kill for justice, to punish for love her lover agreed, the demon was happy.
Believe me, you are the closest being to a goddess I’ve met in all my eternity each word merging into that lust Lilim’s teeth trapped. On your knees.
Candelaria smiled, naughty.